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New Ancestry: Rabbitfolk, Part 1—Flavor

Updated: Nov 30, 2021

(Hey! If you're reading this, my rabbitfolk ancestry has levelled up! If you want more rabbitfolk goodies, you should check out Ancestries Unleashed: Rabbitfolk! This product includes everything you can find on my blog here, and includes new ancestry feats and items!)

Rabbitfolk Rabbitfolk are a clever people known for their ability to get out of danger using their wiles or their agility. They have an innate curiosity that can sometimes get them into trouble. They like to set out into the world to find new experiences to better understand the world and the people that inhabit it. Rabbitfolk believe that a pursuit of knowledge is helpful in their way of life and will often share the knowledge the learn with loved ones.

Rabbitfolk are curious and clever humanoids that are prone to fits of exploration and discovery. Their curiosity is supported by an almost lack of social inhibitions. They have no issue or shame with asking questions that others would consider foolish or rude.

Additionally, this curiosity instills a desire to seek out new experiences, a desire that can sometimes be detrimental. Most rabbitfolk have a tale of a friend or relative that ended up getting hurt or worse simply because they “might be the first rabbit that ever did it.”

This propensity for danger is mitigated by a rabbitfolk’s speed and agility. This feature, combined with their ability to quickly recognize danger, allows many rabbitfolk to elude harm, even in situations that would be dire to most others. The rabbitfolk habit of escaping danger has earned them a reputation for being thrill seekers and trouble makers. If you want to play a character who is always wanting to learn, outgoing, and quick of wit and foot, you should play a rabbitfolk.

You Might...

• Have an almost insatiable desire to learn. • Allow your curiosity to lead you into dangerous situations. • Analyze situations to put you at the greatest advantage.

Others Probably...

• Consider you fickle and erratic. • Believe that you have multiple solutions to every problem and answer to every situation. • Assume you will provide unwanted facts and details, even when not prompted.

Physical Description

Rabbitfolk are tall, lithe beings with long ears, whiskers, and short tails. Their short fur typically runs shades of white, gray, brown, and black. Most rabbitfolk stand a little more than 5 feet tall from their feet to the top of their heads. Rabbitfolk ears add some extra height, with most ears spanning a few inches in length and some ears reaching as tall as one foot. Not all rabbitfolk ears stand tall, however, and some rabbitfolk instead have ears that flop down against their head.

Rabbitfolk age at a similar rate to humans, save that infant rabbitfolk can walk after only a few months. Most rabbitfolk can live to be up to 80 years of age. Thanks to their thinner frame, most rabbitfolk weigh the same as humans of similar, lean builds. Rabbitfolk clothing is typically form fitting and light to allow for the greatest range of movement, though older rabbitfolk tend toward looser clothing. Rabbitfolk forgo footwear, instead relying on their own bare feet through most terrain. These feet develop hard pads that can defend against the elements as well as any shoe.


Known to themselves as malivars, rabbitfolk are a generally sociable people. Community is central to rabbitfolk culture. Malivar settlements have fluid social dynamics where most rabbitfolk share in aspects of each other’s lives. Rabbitfolk children visit and stay at other homes for extended periods of times, whether or not they have any relation. Homes will include two or three malivar families at once, each sharing in their resources. At any given time, a rabbitfolk home might have several outsiders including other rabbitfolk from the same settlement, traveling rabbitfolk, and outsiders of other ancestries. This constant intermingling reinforces cooperation among malivar communities.

The rabbitfolk desire pushes many rabbitfolk toward scholarly pursuits. Researchers, teachers, and chroniclers are common among rabbitfolk. Rabbitfolk tend to keep written and oral histories that are contain entire generations worth of knowledge. This practice is common among rabbitfolk of all kinds, regardless of vocation. Rabbitfolk farmers keep decades of weather patterns, cooks have hundreds of recipes, and warriors keep chronicles of great battles and specific tactics.

Other ancestries sometimes have trouble keeping up with malivars. A rabbitfolk’s mind is constantly changing focus and keeping track of multiple lines of thought at once, which can make discussions with a rabbitfolk difficult. To a rabbitfolk, the multitude of ideas is easy enough to sort out in the moment, but to others it can feel like a chaotic mess of disparate thoughts with no obvious connections. This experience can lead many non-rabbitfolk to believe that rabbitfolk are people incapable of focusing on a single task. In reality, most rabbitfolk like to approach a given goal from multiple angles and consider several possibilities for success.

Alignment and Religion

Rabbitfolk are inclined to help others and consider ways in supporting their close friends. As a result, many rabbitfolk are good. They have no particular leanings toward chaos or law, as their intermingling societies require an understanding of unwritten social rules, but these same social rules constantly bend and change as families grow and shrink. Even rabbitfolk with an affinity toward neutrality or evil have a close-knit group of allies. Rare is the rabbitfolk without friends.

Due to their curiosity, many rabbitfolk worship gods of knowledge or creativity. They also worship gods of travel or luck to aid them in their journeys of discovery. Rabbitfolk focused on cooperation also tend to follow gods of aid, community, and healing.


Newborn rabbitfolk don’t receive individual names. Instead, an entire litter will receive a title such as “Warren Swarm,” “Little Stars,” or “Seedlings.” The members of the litter learn to respond as a group to the title until they grow to be old enough to travel unsupervised within their own settlement, usually at three or four years of age. At this point, the community provides possible names to the parents based on what the individual rabbitfolk inspires among their neighbors. Ultimately, the parent and child work together to choose two names, their “life” name and their “warren” name. The child chooses the life name that best fits their perception of themselves and is prone to change throughout a lifetime. The warren name is similar to a family name or surname and most parents choose the same warren name for all of their children, though a warren name might differ in cases where a rabbitfolk seems more at home with other families.

Sample Names

Alpo, Burrow-blade, Charrniss, Greensong, Hallind, Lightfoot, Mossfer, Nulaniss, Rontor, Snowcharm, Tallim, Youngmoon

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